Transforming Transportation 2025 was the 22nd edition of this global transport forum. The 2025 edition featured an in-person experience organized at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC, as well as virtual access to all main forum session for global attendees. The main forum took place on March 11 and 12, with additional days devoted to side events and partner meetings throughout the week.

TT25 was moderated by Femi Oke, Journalist and Founder of Moderate The Panel.



Archived recordings are available on YouTube. Plenaries and sessions were livestreamed in English, March 11-12, 2025.



The 2025 theme is “Driving Change, Delivering Solutions.” The conference will address the skills, policies and resources needed to move from planning and policy to solutions and the implementation of clean, safe, equitable, resilient and inclusive transportation systems.

The world is facing a convergence of challenges putting immense pressure on transportation systems, especially those in developing economies. These economies must deliver effective, clean transport solutions at scale to ensure future growth, stability, safety, quality of life and poverty reduction. Without robust institutional frameworks and capacity-building efforts, developing countries are at risk of falling further behind.

Transforming Transportation 2025 will address these challenges by facilitating knowledge exchange and equipping professionals with the skills they need to design, implement and maintain safe transport systems that reduce emissions, enhance resilience to climate impacts and external shocks, and deliver for people and economies.


Development Partner:



Attendees can expect a comprehensive, week-long program with two core forum days on March 11 and 12 and additional side events and partner meetings throughout the week. The main forum days will include 5 plenary sessions, 15 parallel technical sessions (organized into 5 streams), networking events and a knowledge exhibition.

The plenaries will set the stage and frame the global conversation, while parallel sessions will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas.



  • Almost half of the world population does not have access to sustainable transportation (1.1 billion in rural areas don’t have access to a climate-resilient roads and 2.2 billion in cities don’t have access to public transportation), highlighting the urgent need for clean, efficient, safe and affordable mobility solutions in developing countries. This session will focus on building local expertise for planning, implementing and maintaining sustainable transport systems, covering clean technologies, the role of paratransit and enhancing technical capabilities. It will also address governance frameworks, institutional coordination and the importance of cohesive policymaking across local and national levels for sustainable transport solutions.

  • In 2021, road crashes killed 1.2 million people, with over 90% of deaths occurring in developing countries. Road traffic is the leading cause of death among those aged 5-29. Survivors face significant socio-economic challenges, making road safety a key developmental issue. This session will explore ways to improve road safety, focusing on vulnerable road users, inclusive infrastructure and effective governance. Topics include road safety enforcement, public behavior change, leadership commitment and the institutional capacity needed to meet road safety targets by 2030.

  • Transport is crucial for economic growth, job creation and access to services. However, recent crises have highlighted its vulnerability. This session will explore strategies for developing resilient transport infrastructure that can adapt to climate change, economic disruptions, health crises and conflict. It will focus on building local expertise in climate risk assessment, resilient supply chain management and multimodal transport planning. Additionally, it will address community engagement and regional cooperation to ensure robust, interconnected transport systems.

  • This session will explore how innovations can foster sustainable transport and support a just transition. Panelists will discuss using technology to diversify the workforce, support local innovation and enhance policies. The session will also address leveraging data and technology to improve mobility and promote equitable access to jobs and opportunities, especially for underrepresented communities.

  • By 2040, the transport infrastructure investment gap is expected to reach critical levels. This session will explore innovative strategies to bridge this gap, focusing on clean, sustainable and climate-resilient systems. It will discuss funding mechanisms, such as public-private partnerships, green bonds and climate funds, alongside strategies to optimize public spending and improve financial sustainability. The session will also cover developing bankable projects to attract private investment, enhancing public financial management and creating effective partnerships for long-term transport solutions.



Side events and partner events are invite only; for more information please contact info@transformingtransportation. For more information about World Bank Transport Week events, please visit here.

Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday


Full Agenda

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Eastern Standard Time/UTC-05:00


7:45 - 8:45
Preston Lobby
8:45 - 9:00
Preston Auditorium
Welcome Address Guangzhe Chen, Vice President for Infrastructure, The World Bank
Ani Dasgupta, President and Chief Executive Officer, World Resources Institute
9:00 - 9:30
Preston Auditorium
Opening Session Bernardo Arévalo, President, Republic of Guatemala
9:30 - 10:30
Preston Auditorium
Plenary 1 - Capacity, Governance, and Innovation for Implementation

This session will address ways to build local capacity for planning, implementing, and maintaining sustainable transportation systems that focus on reducing carbon emissions, including institutional coordination and strengthening.

Frannie Léautier, Partner, CEO, SouthBridge Investment, Rwanda

Sarath BS Abayakoon, Governor, Central Province, Sri Lanka
Renée Amilcar, General Manager, OC Transpo & President, UITP
Juan Carlos Muñoz, Minister, Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, Chile
Ydanis Rodriguez, Commissioner of Transport, New York
Jose Tonato, Minister, Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, Benin
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 - 11:50
Preston Auditorium
Plenary 2 - Road Safety Leadership Towards 2030

This session will emphasize the importance of inclusive infrastructure planning and design in creating safer, more accessible environments and the role of governance and regulatory frameworks in promoting road safety. It will build on the momentum from the Ministerial Conference discussions.

Benacer Boulaajoul, Director, National Road Safety Agency (NARSA), Morocco

Chris Bonett, Minister, Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works, Malta
Maria Eugenia Martinez Donaire, Head of Department, Mobility Planning and Infrastructure Directorate, Madrid City Council, Spain
Kelly Larson, Road Safety Program Director, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Mamta Murthi, Vice President, Human Development, The World Bank
11:50 - 12:05
Preston Auditorium
Fireside Chat Jean Todt, UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Road Safety
12:05 - 13:30 Lunch Break


13:30 - 14:30
Preston Auditorium
Session 1 - Fleet Renewal and Electrification MODERATOR
Magdala Arioli, Transport Decarbonization Manager, WRI Brasil

Jessica Farmer, Sector Lead, Global Transportation, Infrastructure and Natural Resources Department, IFC
Rachmat Kaimuddin, Deputy Minister, Coordinating Ministry for Basic Infrastructure, Indonesia
Sophia Nadur, AsPac & Middle East Managing Director, BP Ventures
Stafford Via, Manager, GreenMax Capital Group
MC 4-800 Session 2 - Boosting the Appeal and Financial Viability of Active Transport
Jill Warren, CEO, European Cyclists’ Federation

Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Deputy Director, Global Urban Mobility, and Director, Health & Road Safety, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Lucas Harms, Focal Point, Active Mobility, Government of the Netherlands
Kristian Hedberg, Minister Counsellor, Mobility & Transport, Delegation of the European Union to the United States
Athena Ronquillo-Ballesteros, Managing Director, Global Climate Strategies, Climate Lead
Guly Sabahi, Senior Advisor, Climate Finance, NDC Partnership
Felipe Targa, Infrastructure Program Leader, Andean Countries, The World Bank
MC 2-800 Session 3 - Empowering Mobility: Opportunities for Women in Transport (Hosted by German Cooperation, GIZ)
Sasank Vemuri, Head, Mobilize Your City Secretariat

Alana Dave, Director, Urban Transport, International Transport Workers Federation
Inna Hanushevych, Partnerships Manager, Ministry of the Communities and Territorial Development, Ukraine
Ana Cristina Zornig Jayme, President, Institute of Research and Urban Planning, Curitiba, Brazil
Keisha Mayuga, Co-Lead, Women Mobilize Women, TUMI
Oliva Nalwadda, Africa Region Coordinator and Youth Ambassador, FIA Foundation, Uganda
14:30 - 14:50 Coffee Break
14:50 - 15:50
Preston Auditorium
Session 4 - Investing in Sustainable, Electrified Cities (Hosted by the Institute of Transportation and Development Policy, ITDP) 
Heather Thompson, CEO, Institute of Transportation and Development Policy

Thierno Birahim Aw, General Director, Executive Council for Sustainable Urban Transport (CETUD), Dakar, Senegal
María Fernanda Ramírez, Lead, Safe and Sustainable, Despacio
V Sivakrishnamurthy, I.A.S. Deputy Commissioner, Works, Greater Chennai Corporation, India
Pablo Souza, Secretary, Mobility Secretariat, Salvador, Brazil
Ming Zhang, Global Director, Urban, Resilience and Land Global, The World Bank
MC 4-800 Session 5 - Innovative Financing Solutions for Sustainable Transport
Kapila Perera, Senior Professor, and Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Highways, Ports and Civil Aviation, Sri Lanka

Felipe Ramirez Buitrago, Director, Urban Mobility, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Marcio Hannas, President, CCR Mobilidade, Brazil
Valerie Hickey, Global Director, Climate Change Group, The World Bank
Sheri McGrath, Vice President, Sustainability, Element Fleet Management
Robyn McGuckin, Executive Director, P4G
D. Thara, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, India
MC 2-800 Session 6 - Motorcycle Safety: Growing Challenges, Innovative Solutions KEYNOTE
Segundo López, Head of Road Safety Office, Secretary of Mobility, Bogotá, Colombia

Said Dahdah, Program Manager, Global Road Safety Facility, The World Bank

Sam Clark, Head, Programmes, TRANSAID
Davis G. Mwamfupe, Mayor, Dodoma, Tanzania
Kristin Smith, Head, Global Road Safety Policy, Uber
Elizaveta Zeynalova, Senior Research Manager, Vital Strategies
15:50 - 16:10 Coffee Break


16:10 - 17:10
Preston Auditorium
Plenary 3 - Bouncing Forward to Transportation Resilience

This session will highlight the need to promote greener, safer and more inclusive mobility, with specific focus on youth, gender, road safety and health angles.

Bilal Akbar Khan, Minister, Transport & Mass Transit Department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Charles Milupi, Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, Zambia
Tashi Penjor, His Majesty’s Secretariat, Managing Director, Gelephu Mindfulness City, Bhutan
Ömer Fatih Sayan, Deputy Minister, Transport and Infrastructure, Türkiye
Abdallah H. Ulega, Minister, Ministry of Works, Tanzania
17:10 - 17:25
Preston Auditorium
2025 Sustainable Transport Award Ceremony Heather Thompson, CEO, Institute of Transportation and Development Policy

Thierno Birahim Aw, General Director, Executive Council for Sustainable Urban Transport (CETUD), Dakar, Senegal
17:25 - 19:00
Cocktail Reception



Eastern Standard Time/UTC-05:00


8:00 - 9:00
Preston Lobby
9:00 - 9:20
Preston Auditorium
Opening Axel van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director, The World Bank
9:20 - 10:30
Preston Auditorium
Plenary 4 - Reshaping the Future of Transport

This session will explore how innovations can foster sustainable transport and support a just transition. Panelists will discuss using technology to diversify the workforce, support local innovation and enhance policies. The session will also address leveraging data and technology to improve mobility and promote equitable access to jobs and opportunities, especially for underrepresented communities.

Anacláudia Rossbach, Executive Director, UN-Habitat

Jit Bhattacharya, CEO & Co-Founder, BasiGo
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Damilola Olokesusi, CEO & Founder, Shuttlers
Madhav Pai, CEO, WRI India
Alhaji Fanday Turay, Minister, Ministry of Transport and Aviation, Sierra Leone

Stientje van Veldhoven, Vice President and Regional Director for Europe, WRI
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break


10:50 - 11:50
Preston Auditorium
Session 7 - The Trillion-Dollar Question: E-Buses in the Developing World (Hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, IDB) MODERATOR
Ana Maria Pinto, Transport Division Chief, IDB

Ana Cristina Zornig Jayme, President, Institute of Research and Urban Planning, Curitiba, Brazil
Juan Carlos Muñoz, Minister, Ministry of Transport, Chile
Maria Fernanda Ortiz, CEO, Transmilenio, Bogotá, Colombia
Stephen Perkins, Senior Counsellor, International Transport Forum
Admassu Yilma Tadesse, President and Managing Director, TDB Group
MC 4-800 Session 8 - Improving Paratransit: The Role of Cities MODERATOR
Franz Drees-Gross, Director, Infrastructure, West Africa, The World Bank

Maina Celidonio, Secretary of Transport, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abimbola Akinajo, Managing Director, LAMATA, Lagos, Nigeria
Thierno Birahim Aw, General Director, Executive Council for Sustainable Urban Transport (CETUD), Dakar, Senegal
Loknath Behera, Managing Director, Kochi Metro Rail Limited, India
Jean-Jacques Helluin, Executive Manager, CODATU
Jamie Leather, Director, Transport Sector Office, Asian Development Bank
MC 2-800 Session 9 - Digitalization and AI for Safe Transportation (Hosted by the ICEX Spain Trade and Investment) MODERATOR
Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge, Global Director, Transport, The World Bank

Paloma Baena, Director, Global Strategy, RENFE
Ana Blanco, Traffic Deputy Director, General Traffic Directorate (DGT), Spain
Ricardo Herranz, CEO, NOMMON
Luis Pérez Madariaga, Program Manager and Business Development Manager, INDRA
11:50 - 13:00 Lunch Break


13:00 - 14:00
Preston Auditorium
Session 10 - The Decade Ahead: Transport, Finance, and Development KEYNOTE
Astra Bonini, Chief, Integrated Policy Analysis, Division for Sustainable Development (DSDG), UN-DESA

Elizabeth Jones, Senior Transport Advisor, UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Daniel Bongardt, Head, Team Infrastructure and Mobility, GIZ
Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General, SLOCAT
Francesco Dionori, Chief, Transport Networks & Logistics Section, Sustainable Transport Division, UNECE
Henrik Gudmundsson, Senior Consultant, CONCITO
Gisele Saralegui, Global Climate Head, Transaction Advisory, IFC
Fuat Savas, Managing Director and Co-Head, Infrastructure Finance and Advisory, J.P. Morgan
MC 4-800 Session 11 - Resilient Logistics and Supply Chains
Charles Cormier, Regional Director, Infrastructure, Europe and Central Asia, The World Bank

Francois Davenne, Managing Director, International Union of Railways
Max Jensen, Director, Mobility Department, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank
Jennifer Garson, Senior Vice President, Boundary Stone Partners and Executive Director, Sustainable Maritime Coalition
Sarah Mouriño, Senior Director, Sustainability, DP World
Andres Pizarro, Manager, Public Sector Clients, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
MC 2-800 Session 12 - Trends in EV Charging and Batteries MODERATOR
Bianca Bianchi Alves, Practice Manager, Transport, Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank

Cristina Albuquerque, Director, Global Electric Mobility, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Matt Daus, Partner & Chair, Transportation Practice Group, Windels Marx
Erika Meyers, Executive Director, Charging Interface Initiative North America (CharIN Inc.)
Imran Sikandar, Secretary, Transport & Mass Transit Department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Josh Whale, CEO, Ampersand
Jason Zimbler, Director, Light Duty Vehicle, CALSTART
14:00 - 14:20 Coffee Break
14:20 - 15:20
Preston Auditorium
Session 13 - Decarbonizing Transport with Green Fuels MODERATOR
Bertrand de la Borde, Global Industry Director, Infrastructure, IFC

Dominik Englert, Senior Economist, The World Bank
Namrata Nadkarni, Maritime Journalist; CEO & Founder, Intent Communications
Sharvari Patki, Program Head, Electric Mobility, Sustainable Cities and Transport Program, WRI India
Rachel White, Global President, Clean Energy and Environmental Solutions, Ricardo Group
Christoph Wolff, CEO, Smart Freight Center
MC 4-800 Session 14 - Youth, Jobs, and the Future of Transport KEYNOTE
Damilola Olokesusi, CEO & Founder, Shuttlers

Seynabou Sakho, Director, Strategy and Operations, The World Bank

Claudia Diaz, Secretary, Mobility Secretariat, Bogotá, Colombia
Anna Fedorenko, Deputy Head of the Board, Foundation for Institutional Development, Ukraine
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Author, 'At Your Service: The Promise of Services-Led Development'
Fernanda Rodrigues, Chief of Staff, ARTESP, Sao Paulo
I Made Vikannanda, Senior Program Lead for Electric Mobility, WRI Indonesia
MC 2-800 Session 15 - Resilient Connectivity in Small Island Developing States MODERATOR
Benjamin Welle, Director, Integrated Transport & Innovation, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Salaseini Daunabuna, Permanent Secretary, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Fiji
Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister, Ministry of Public Works, Guyana
Jan Hoffmann, Senior Port Specialist, World Bank
Lenita Joseph, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal, Saint Lucia
Manish Kothari, President & CEO, Sheladia Associates and Board Member, FIDIC
15:20 - 15:30 Coffee Break


15:30 - 15:45
Preston Auditorium
Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship Award Ceremony Holger Dalkmann, CEO Sustain 2030

Olanike Babalola, PhD Candidate, University of Lagos
Tom Courtright, PhD Candidate, University of Cape Town
Nicholas Goedeking, Senior Researcher, German Institute of Development and Sustainability
15:45 - 16:45
Preston Auditorium
Plenary 5 - Mobilizing Resources for Transport Solutions

This session will explore diverse funding mechanisms and financial instruments to support sustainable revenue streams for transport projects, including public-private partnerships, green bonds, and a focus on affordability, national/local budget, and private sector contributions.

Binyam Reja, Global Practice Manager, Transport, The World Bank

Romesh David, CEO, South Asia Gateway Terminal, Colombo
Viviane Esse, Secretary, National Secretariat for Road Transport, Brazil
Michael Fitzgerald, CFO, MTR Corporation, Hong Kong
Francisco Lozano, President, National Development Finance (FDN), Colombia
Keshab Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
16:45 - 17:00
Preston Auditorium
Closing Remarks Rogier van den Berg, Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge, Global Director, Transport, The World Bank

Photos: UNFPA/SWEDD Mali - Ollivier Girard (Banner) & World Bank (Structure)